
Alleviates operational challenges including managing the data intake process, enabling monitoring and analytics and providing facility reconciliation capabilities

Built for:
Structured Finance Facility Providers
Asset Securitization Lender
Specialty Finance Lenders
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Alleviates the operational challenges faced by structured finance facility providers on a secure cloud-based platform

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Product Modules

The Data Management module is designed to address the data management challenges experienced by Asset Securitization Lenders by automating the ingestion, mapping and validation of “as-reported” asset, borrower, compliance and other facility information in the format provided by your borrowers. The module includes  a secure web interface into which your borrowers directly submit loan tapes, borrowing base reports and settlement statements as well as a user-interface for you as a Lender to correct/update data values or enter missing data. A full audit log and  data APIs for data transfer of upstream and downstream systems, including feeds from your loan servicing system(s) is also available.
The Monitoring & Analytics module incorporates powerful analysis, monitoring and reporting tools to provide insights and actionable information throughout an organization. Users can leverage pre-existing and user definable dynamic dashboards to perform program-wide analytics and risk exposure reporting within and across facilities. The module also enables drilling directly from portfolio to facility to borrower related details and the ability to create and run reports for both internal and external use.
The Facility Reconciliation module automates the reconciliation of “as reported” data from borrowers with calculated information based off of loan tapes. Facility Reconciliation consists of various sub-modules which enable borrowing base creation or validation, additional reporting and cash flow forecasting.

Ready for a world class infrastructure designed for managing structured finance lending facilities?

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Powerful analytics and validation capabilities for your operational challenges

Improved Lending Execution

Enables faster response times on borrowing requests by improving visibility into borrower collateral and automating borrowing base reconciliation.

Risk Mitigation

Provides a controlled, auditable infrastructure for managing complex warehouse facilities thereby reducing the risk associated with traditional spreadsheet processes.

Better Control

Minimizes the risk of over-advancing due to inaccurate borrowing base calculations while also identifying data consistency issues across reporting periods.


Provides automation for complex warehouse administration and reporting requirements.


Supports lending programs of all sizes ranging from institutions with a simple single facility to those with hundreds of complex relationships spanning multiple asset classes.

Lender releases

August 9, 2024
Version 4.2
April 11, 2024
Version 4.1
November 27, 2023
Version 3.2
June 30, 2023
Version 3.1
March 1, 2023
Version 2.8
November 1, 2022
Version 2.7
May 20, 2022
Version 2.6
January 4, 2022
Version 2.5
May 3, 2021
Version 2.0