Case Study

ABS Suite delivered an 80% monthly efficiency gain, while eliminating “key man risk”

ABS Suite and Ki have been rebranded to ABS Suite Plus. For more information, visit ABS Suite Plus

April 9, 2021
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We helped this non-bank financial firm with multiple deals (Master Trusts, Term and Warehouse issuances) across Auto, Credit Card and Mortgage assets with the total program size of AUD 7 billion.

Key Client Objectives

Client was seeking an infrastructure to support its growing issuance program.

Key Drivers: 

  • The ability to handle complex deal structures without relying on spreadsheets
  • Reduce manual processes
  • Better understand underlying performance at the most granular levels
  • Eliminate the cumbersome process of sharing models in Excel
  • Improve time to setup new deals which was manual, repetitive, time consuming and impacting time to market
  • Automate regulatory reporting / XML submissions

The Solution

ABS Suite delivered an 80% monthly efficiency gain, while eliminating “key man risk”, adding controls and substantially improving new deal setup time

Full business process automation
Removed myriad manual steps and enabled workflow automation resulting in massive efficiency gains

Transparent deal models
Leveraging the visual deal modeling approach, all deal model calculations are now fully traceable and clear which allows for faster response times to internal and external stakeholders

Enabled faster reconciliation and validation
Automated supporting reports to facilitate daily/monthly reconciliation process providing additional confidence in reported values

Enabled faster time to market
Created asset-specific deal templates which work hand in hand with product features resulting in a faster, more efficient and more accurate means of adding new deals

Regulatory reporting
Replacement of excel based reporting  for ESMA and RBA with automated calculations and procedures allows business users to spend time validating instead of spending time creating content

Enhanced overall governance and controls
Operational infrastructure with audit logs, approvals and controls now satisfies stringent compliance requirements

About ABS Suite Plus

ABS Suite Plus is the industry leading solution for end to end structured finance administration, accounting, funding optimization and analytics. The Administration Module tackles control, automation and secure operational processes while Capital Markets Module is built for optimized funding decisions, analytics and ad-hoc analyses.

Learn all the details about our comprehensive capabilities here.

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Australian mortgage issuers